A mess it grows - What's UP?

Be Informed!


Thursday, July 15, 2010

A mess it grows

-woah ! hey, you're the guy huh?
yes I am... .
sign up on the attendance sheet, we dont have class.
oook then, [ chukles ]
[ we started it fine.. . ]
look over there, I need you to come with me...
[ I felt it right, I knew it.
I was happy but afraid,
I can have you but I cant.. . ]

.......... . who do you think you are !?
-prelims is over.. . even me

[ oh' how I missed you so much! ]
-where is she?
[ I dont see her much.. . ]
we're going to sing, hey could you sing too?
of course!
hey use this
wait, to where this one belongs to?
that girl over there.. . that!? [ stagnant ]
hey ! why? it's oook.. .
oook.. .

-midterms is over.. . and still

-I don't think of her much
... . and then she walks.. .
[ stagnant ]
the air changes into becoming like hers
hey, did you see that?
that's the person I wanna end up with !

-finals is over.. . still

-check yes!.. . [ still ]
her page.. her page.. . got it!
[ even if no one is connected
that's what you called "Mover" ]

-Summer is over.. . still

-how come? really?
HAHA you dont know me that much
at least you've felt it.. . but look at me !
if this thing works we'll celebrate exactly in here !

Midterms is approaching.. .
[ Oh' c'mon I soo miss her ]

[ the more I think about it, the more the tendency is not gonna happen? ........ is that it? huh t? ]

-to be continue.. .

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